Bangladesh Fertilizer Association (BFA)

Aim & Objectives

Bangladesh Fertilizer Association (BFA) was formed in 1994 with the mandate to –  

1. Bring together and represent all sectors of fertilizer trade and industry, including distributors, merchants, importers or exporters, supply agencies, and manufacturers.

2. To protect, develop, support, and promote all measures and steps toward open, free competitive marketing, trade and manufacture of all fertilizers and plant nutrients in Bangladesh and to coordinate the efforts of the members of the Association to this end.

3. To work with the Government, the Parliament, and the Ministries to solve problems and obtain fair and equitable laws regarding fertilizers and their manufacture, distribution and use in Bangladesh.

4. Research and experimentation on the proper use of fertilizer nutrients of various crops and soil.

5. To work with International organizations in obtaining the results of research on nutrient needs and fertilizer use on crops and soils, and to disseminate such information to farmers, dealers, distributors, and merchants to improve fertilizer use efficiency and to improve crop and food production.

6. To serve as an arbitrator, and/or mediator, in solving problems

i. To promote, protect and safeguard the interests of all the members of the Association.

ii. To support and promote the concept of maximum economic yields in all sectors of agricultural production keeping in view environment-friendly sustainable growth in agricultural production.

iii. To promote and become members and/or associates of all national and international organizations.

iv. To actively promote self-sufficiency in food and agricultural production in the country through proper use of fertilizer and other agricultural inputs.

BFA effectively works with the Government of Bangladesh and the private sector in developing fertilizer related policies. BFA has been successful in promoting usages of appropriate fertilizer and advocates best fertilizer usage practices. To this end BFA has successfully promoted the increased usages of multi-nutrient fertilizers in recent years. The Government by introducing farm input assistance program in the non-urea fertilizers has also contributed to greatly.