Bangladesh Fertilizer Association (BFA)

Vol. 18 No. 2 December 2022

Effect of Fruit Bagging on the Management of Litchi Fruit Borer

M S Uddin, M A M Miah, M A Hossain, M Samsuzzaman1 and M A Sumi


An experiment was conducted at the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Akbarpur, Moulvibazar, Bangladesh for controlling litchi fruit borer infestation at BARI Litchu-2 during February, 2018-July, 2020. In this experiment five types of different bagging materials viz., T1: perforated polythene bag, T2: brown paper bag, T3: white paper bag, T4: mosquito net bag and T5: control (no bag) were used. All the bagging materials showed protection against the fruit borer infestation over control. The maximum fruit borer infestation (30.21%) was recorded in control treatment while the minimum infestation (3.43%) was found at the brown paper bag. The highest fruit weight (19.30g) and the highest TSS (16.65%) were also found in the same treatment considering the fruit borer infestation, weight of fruit, size of fruit, aril weight and %TSS. Among the treatments, brown paper bag was found to be the best for the management of litchi fruit borer.
Key words: Litchi borer, Fruit bagging, Quality, Production.

Hybrid Rice Cultivation and Its Impacts on Social Inequality in Two Selected Areas of Bangladesh

F M M Rahman , M E Haque and M G G Mortuza


The present study was undertaken in Bogra and Gaibandha district for assessing the status of hybrid rice cultivation and comparing the social inequality that may prevail among the hybrid and in-bred rice growers. Sixty hybrid and sixty in-bred rice cultivating farmers were selected randomly from the ‘treatment’ (hybrid rice cultivation continuing) and ‘control’ (hybrid rice cultivation rejecting) village respectively. Data were collected from the sample farmers during April – July, 2010. Boro season of 2007-2008, 2008-2009 and 2009-2010 were subjected to analyze for both hybrid and in-bred rice cultivation. Hybrid rice adoption was found to increase sharply in 2008-2009 compared to 2007-2008 (considered as base year) but decreased in 2009-2010 compared to the base year both in the treatment and control village. The extent of decrease of hybrid rice adoption was much high in control village compared to the treatment village. Farmers’ are adopting hybrid rice mostly because of its higher yield and lodging resistant but rejecting for high cost and non-availability of pure seed. Average yield of hybrid rice found significantly higher than HYV rice but BCR of them are more or less same. The small farmers in the treatment village were lagged behind in all the selected social inequality indicators (BCR, yield, and technical knowledge, contact with information sources, market price information and adoption of new technology) compared to the large farmers.

Key words: Hybrid and inbred rice, Yield, Adoption of new technology.